Legal Status of APER

  • Foundation Statutes (Estatuto)
  • Trust Agreements (Convenios firmados, Añadire el de ANDE)
  • Tax Classification ( Clasificacion Fiscal )
  • Certification from the appropriate authorities, or a written explanation of unofficial charitable status and a description description of how this organization’s activities and mission are charitable. (Explicacion que como es Sin Fines de Lucro)


  • Balance sheet or profit/loss statement if available. (Balance y Formulario)

Governing Body

  • Last Assembly Minutes ( Ultima Acta de Asamblea)

Annual Report

  • An annual report of brief description of your organization’s history, goals, mission, recent activities, and future plans  (Historial)

Evidence of Funding

  • Evidence of grants made by other US organizations or government agencies to your organization (Material con GIZ-Alemania)

Project Budget

  • A budget for this grant. (Presupuesto)

Bank Letter

  • Copy of Vision Bank Paraguay (Nota Bancaria)